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Bowling - Mixed open

Poule 1
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Arnhem
09:00h - Lane 1
Coop Idræt Albertslund 1
09:00h - Lane 2
Aurubis AG 1
09:00h - Lane 3
Vier Bremer 1
09:00h - Lane 4
Ducky's party service bowling team 1
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Arnhem
13:00h - Lane 5
Vier Bremer 1
13:00h - Lane 6
Coop Idræt Albertslund 1
13:00h - Lane 7
Ducky's party service bowling team 1
13:00h - Lane 8
Aurubis AG 1
Poule 2
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Arnhem
09:00h - Lane 5
Coop Idræt Albertslund 2
09:00h - Lane 6
Aurubis AG 2
09:00h - Lane 7
Sportverein Sparkasse KölnBonn e.V. 1
09:00h - Lane 8
Bowling MESA MIA
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Arnhem
13:00h - Lane 10
Coop Idræt Albertslund 2
13:00h - Lane 11
Bowling MESA MIA
13:00h - Lane 12
Aurubis AG 2
13:00h - Lane 9
Sportverein Sparkasse KölnBonn e.V. 1
Poule 3
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Arnhem
09:00h - Lane 10
Betriebssportverband Landkreis Peine e.V. 1
09:00h - Lane 11
Sportverein Sparkasse KölnBonn e.V. 2
09:00h - Lane 12
Atos 1
09:00h - Lane 9
Hovedstadens Jernbane-Idræt 1
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Arnhem
13:00h - Lane 1
Sportverein Sparkasse KölnBonn e.V. 2
13:00h - Lane 2
Hovedstadens Jernbane-Idræt 1
13:00h - Lane 3
Atos 1
13:00h - Lane 4
Betriebssportverband Landkreis Peine e.V. 1
Poule 4
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Arnhem
13:00h - Lane 1
I.F. Bispebjerg Hospital 1
13:00h - Lane 2
Betriebssportverband Landkreis Peine e.V. 2
13:00h - Lane 4
Ducky's party service bowling team 2
13:59h - Lane 3
Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 1
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Arnhem
09:00h - Lane 5
Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 1
09:00h - Lane 6
I.F. Bispebjerg Hospital 1
09:00h - Lane 7
Ducky's party service bowling team 2
09:00h - Lane 8
Betriebssportverband Landkreis Peine e.V. 2
Poule 5
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Arnhem
13:00h - Lane 5
I.F. Bispebjerg Hospital 2
13:00h - Lane 6
Energie SV Hamburg e.V. 1
13:00h - Lane 7
Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 2
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Arnhem
09:00h - Lane 10
I.F. Bispebjerg Hospital 2
09:00h - Lane 12
Energie SV Hamburg e.V. 1
09:00h - Lane 9
Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 2
Poule 6
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Arnhem
13:00h - Lane 10
Hansewerk Hamburg Bowling Team 1
13:00h - Lane 11
Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 3
13:00h - Lane 12
Ducky's party service bowling team 3
13:00h - Lane 9
I.F. Bispebjerg Hospital 3
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Arnhem
09:00h - Lane 1
Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 3
09:00h - Lane 2
I.F. Bispebjerg Hospital 3
09:00h - Lane 3
Ducky's party service bowling team 3
09:00h - Lane 4
Hansewerk Hamburg Bowling Team 1
Poule 7
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
09:00h - Lane 1
Posten Taastrup Bowling 1
09:00h - Lane 2
Energie SV Hamburg e.V. 2
09:00h - Lane 3
SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 1
09:00h - Lane 4
KBC Bowling Team (Belgium 1
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
13:00h - Lane 13
SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 1
13:00h - Lane 14
Posten Taastrup Bowling 1
13:00h - Lane 15
KBC Bowling Team (Belgium 1
13:00h - Lane 16
Energie SV Hamburg e.V. 2
Poule 8
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
09:00h - Lane 5
Airbus Sportgemeinschaft Stade 1
09:00h - Lane 6
SC Filstal e.V. - Kreissparkasse Göppingen 1
09:00h - Lane 7
SG Bayer Berlin 1
09:00h - Lane 8
Gemeente Arnhem 4
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
13:00h - Lane 10
Airbus Sportgemeinschaft Stade 1
13:00h - Lane 11
Gemeente Arnhem 4
13:00h - Lane 12
SC Filstal e.V. - Kreissparkasse Göppingen 1
13:00h - Lane 9
SG Bayer Berlin 1
Poule 9
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
09:00h - Lane 10
SFC Esslingen 1
09:00h - Lane 11
SG Bayer Berlin 2
09:00h - Lane 12
Corpo Namur - LIEGE 1
09:00h - Lane 9
Airbus Sportgemeinschaft Stade 2
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
13:00h - Lane 17
Corpo Namur - LIEGE 1
13:00h - Lane 18
Airbus Sportgemeinschaft Stade 2
13:00h - Lane 19
SG Bayer Berlin 2
13:00h - Lane 20
SFC Esslingen 1
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
10:10h - Lane 6
Poule 10
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
09:00h - Lane 13
BSG Allianz Köln Weiß-Blau e.V. 1
09:00h - Lane 14
Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 1
09:00h - Lane 15
SG Bayer Berlin 3
09:00h - Lane 16
Corpo Namur - LIEGE 2
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
13:00h - Lane 1
SG Bayer Berlin 3
13:00h - Lane 2
BSG Allianz Köln Weiß-Blau e.V. 1
13:00h - Lane 3
Corpo Namur - LIEGE 2
13:00h - Lane 4
Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 1
Poule 11
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
09:00h - Lane 17
BSG Commerzbank AG Team Bowling Frankfurt 1
09:00h - Lane 18
Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 2
09:00h - Lane 19
09:00h - Lane 20
Gemeente Arnhem 3
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
13:00h - Lane 5
13:00h - Lane 6
BSG Commerzbank AG Team Bowling Frankfurt 1
13:00h - Lane 7
Gemeente Arnhem 3
13:00h - Lane 8
Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 2
Poule 12
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
13:00h - Lane 1
BSG EDEKA Minden-Hannover e.V. 1
13:00h - Lane 2
Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 3
13:00h - Lane 3
13:00h - Lane 4
Gemeente Arnhem 2
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
09:00h - Lane 13
09:00h - Lane 14
BSG EDEKA Minden-Hannover e.V. 1
09:00h - Lane 15
Gemeente Arnhem 2
09:00h - Lane 16
Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 3
Poule 13
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
13:00h - Lane 5
BSG Provinzial Münster e.V. 1
13:00h - Lane 6
Hamburg Port Authority 1
13:00h - Lane 7
SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 2
13:00h - Lane 8
Hapoel 2
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
09:00h - Lane 10
BSG Provinzial Münster e.V. 1
09:00h - Lane 11
Hapoel 2
09:00h - Lane 12
Hamburg Port Authority 1
09:00h - Lane 9
SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 2
Poule 14
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
13:00h - Lane 10
Elbe-Sport e.V. 1
13:00h - Lane 11
SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 3
13:00h - Lane 12
Hapoel 1
13:00h - Lane 9
BSG Provinzial Münster e.V. 2
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
09:00h - Lane 17
Hapoel 1
09:00h - Lane 18
BSG Provinzial Münster e.V. 2
09:00h - Lane 19
SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 3
09:00h - Lane 20
Elbe-Sport e.V. 1
Poule 15
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
13:00h - Lane 13
BSG e.V. der LVM Versicherung 1
13:00h - Lane 14
Elbe-Sport e.V. 2
13:00h - Lane 15
SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 4
13:00h - Lane 16
PreTec Belgium BV 1
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
09:00h - Lane 1
SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 4
09:00h - Lane 2
BSG e.V. der LVM Versicherung 1
09:00h - Lane 3
PreTec Belgium BV 1
09:00h - Lane 4
Elbe-Sport e.V. 2
Poule 16
Thursday 23rd of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
13:00h - Lane 17
Bezirksamt Reinickendorf 1
13:00h - Lane 18
Commerzbank BSG Bowling Düsseldorf 1
13:00h - Lane 19
Belgian Railways Bowling Team 1
13:00h - Lane 20
Gemeente Arnhem 1
Friday 24th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
09:00h - Lane 5
Belgian Railways Bowling Team 1
09:00h - Lane 6
Bezirksamt Reinickendorf 1
09:00h - Lane 7
Gemeente Arnhem 1
09:00h - Lane 8
Commerzbank BSG Bowling Düsseldorf 1
Poule A
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
10:10h - Lane 1
10:10h - Lane 1
Ducky's party service bowling team 1
10:10h - Lane 10
Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 1
10:10h - Lane 12
10:10h - Lane 13
Hapoel 2
10:10h - Lane 14
Hapoel 1
10:10h - Lane 15
PreTec Belgium BV 1
10:10h - Lane 16
Belgian Railways Bowling Team 1
10:10h - Lane 2
10:10h - Lane 2
Bowling MESA MIA
10:10h - Lane 3
10:10h - Lane 3
Atos 1
10:10h - Lane 4
10:10h - Lane 4
Ducky's party service bowling team 2
10:10h - Lane 5
10:10h - Lane 5
Energie SV Hamburg e.V. 1
10:10h - Lane 6
Ducky's party service bowling team 3
10:10h - Lane 7
KBC Bowling Team (Belgium 1
10:10h - Lane 8
SG Bayer Berlin 1
10:10h - Lane 9
Corpo Namur - LIEGE 1
21:02h - Lane 11
BSG Commerzbank AG Team Bowling Frankfurt 1
Poule B
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
09:05h - Lane 1
Aurubis AG 1
09:05h - Lane 10
Corpo Namur - LIEGE 2
09:05h - Lane 11
Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 2
09:05h - Lane 12
Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 3
09:05h - Lane 13
SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 2
09:05h - Lane 2
Sportverein Sparkasse KölnBonn e.V. 1
09:05h - Lane 3
Sportverein Sparkasse KölnBonn e.V. 2
09:05h - Lane 4
Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 1
09:05h - Lane 5
I.F. Bispebjerg Hospital 2
09:05h - Lane 6
Hansewerk Hamburg Bowling Team 1
09:05h - Lane 7
SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 1
09:05h - Lane 8
SC Filstal e.V. - Kreissparkasse Göppingen 1
09:05h - Lane 9
SG Bayer Berlin 2
09:08h - Lane 14
Elbe-Sport e.V. 1
09:08h - Lane 14
Elbe-Sport e.V. 1
09:08h - Lane 15
Elbe-Sport e.V. 2
09:08h - Lane 16
Bezirksamt Reinickendorf 1
Poule C
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
08:00h - Lane 1
Coop Idræt Albertslund 1
08:00h - Lane 10
SG Bayer Berlin 3
08:00h - Lane 11
08:00h - Lane 12
BSG EDEKA Minden-Hannover e.V. 1
08:00h - Lane 13
Hamburg Port Authority 1
08:00h - Lane 14
SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 3
08:00h - Lane 15
BSG e.V. der LVM Versicherung 1
08:00h - Lane 16
Commerzbank BSG Bowling Düsseldorf 1
08:00h - Lane 2
Aurubis AG 2
08:00h - Lane 3
Hovedstadens Jernbane-Idræt 1
08:00h - Lane 4
Betriebssportverband Landkreis Peine e.V. 2
08:00h - Lane 5
Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 2
08:00h - Lane 6
Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 3
08:00h - Lane 7
Energie SV Hamburg e.V. 2
08:00h - Lane 8
Gemeente Arnhem 4
08:00h - Lane 9
SFC Esslingen 1
1/4 Final C
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
12:15h - Lane 10
12:15h - Lane 3
12:15h - Lane 4
12:15h - Lane 5
12:15h - Lane 6
12:15h - Lane 7
12:15h - Lane 8
12:15h - Lane 9
13:20h - Lane 9
1/4 Final B
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
12:15h - Lane 14
12:15h - Lane 15
12:15h - Lane 16
12:15h - Lane 17
12:15h - Lane 19
12:15h - Lane 20
1/4 Final A
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
13:20h - Lane 10
13:20h - Lane 3
13:20h - Lane 4
13:20h - Lane 5
13:20h - Lane 6
13:20h - Lane 7
13:20h - Lane 8
1/2 Final A1
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
14:25h - Lane 1
14:25h - Lane 2
1/2 Final A2
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
14:25h - Lane 3
14:25h - Lane 4
1/2 Final B1
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
14:25h - Lane 10
14:25h - Lane 9
1/2 Final B2
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
14:25h - Lane 11
14:25h - Lane 12
1/2 Final C1
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
14:25h - Lane 5
14:25h - Lane 6
1/2 Final C2
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
14:25h - Lane 7
14:25h - Lane 8
Final A 1-2 Place
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
15:30h - Lane 7
15:30h - Lane 8
Final A 3-4 Place
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
15:30h - Lane 5
15:30h - Lane 6
Final B 1-2 Place
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
15:30h - Lane 10
15:30h - Lane 9
Final B 3-4 place
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
15:30h - Lane 3
15:30h - Lane 4
Final C 1-2 Place
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
15:30h - Lane 11
15:30h - Lane 12
Final C 3-4 Place
Saturday 25th of June Bowlingcentrum Ol'round
15:30h - Lane 1
15:30h - Lane 2
Poule C
1. Hamburg Port Authority 1 721
2. SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 3 693
3. Coop Idræt Albertslund 1 638
4. SG Bayer Berlin 3 603
5. Aurubis AG 2 566
6. BSG e.V. der LVM Versicherung 1 564
7. Commerzbank BSG Bowling Düsseldorf 1 556
8. Betriebssportverband Landkreis Peine e.V. 2 553
9. BSG EDEKA Minden-Hannover e.V. 1 540
10. ASEG NB 2 538
11. Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 3 530
12. Energie SV Hamburg e.V. 2 526
13. SFC Esslingen 1 492
14. Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 2 458
15. Hovedstadens Jernbane-Idræt 1 451
16. Gemeente Arnhem 4 409
Poule B
1. SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 1 712
2. Elbe-Sport e.V. 1 689
3. SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 2 677
4. SG Bayer Berlin 2 671
5. Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 3 669
6. Sportverein Sparkasse KölnBonn e.V. 1 668
7. Sportverein Sparkasse KölnBonn e.V. 2 666
8. Elbe-Sport e.V. 2 635
9. Corpo Namur - LIEGE 2 616
10. Hansewerk Hamburg Bowling Team 1 594
11. Bezirksamt Reinickendorf 1 587
12. Aurubis AG 1 586
13. Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 1 536
14. Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 2 534
15. SC Filstal e.V. - Kreissparkasse Göppingen 1 493
16. I.F. Bispebjerg Hospital 2 0
Poule A
1. Belgian Railways Bowling Team 1 919
2. KBC Bowling Team (Belgium 1 905
3. Ducky's party service bowling team 1 898
4. Ducky's party service bowling team 2 798
5. Hapoel 1 724
6. Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 1 707
7. BSG Commerzbank AG Team Bowling Frankfurt 1 702
8. Hapoel 2 700
9. Corpo Namur - LIEGE 1 682
10. Bowling MESA MIA 677
11. PreTec Belgium BV 1 655
12. SG Bayer Berlin 1 643
13. Atos 1 641
14. Ducky's party service bowling team 3 640
15. ASEG NB 1 561
16. Energie SV Hamburg e.V. 1 521
Poule 16
1. Belgian Railways Bowling Team 1 5006
2. Bezirksamt Reinickendorf 1 3836
3. Commerzbank BSG Bowling Düsseldorf 1 3235
4. Gemeente Arnhem 1 2547
Poule 15
1. PreTec Belgium BV 1 4050
2. Elbe-Sport e.V. 2 3837
3. BSG e.V. der LVM Versicherung 1 3506
4. SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 4 0
Poule 14
1. Hapoel 1 4115
2. Elbe-Sport e.V. 1 4091
3. SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 3 4043
4. BSG Provinzial Münster e.V. 2 3692
Poule 13
1. Hapoel 2 4336
2. SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 2 4121
3. Hamburg Port Authority 1 4047
4. BSG Provinzial Münster e.V. 1 4028
Poule 12
1. ASEG NB 1 3821
2. Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 3 3751
3. BSG EDEKA Minden-Hannover e.V. 1 3423
4. Gemeente Arnhem 2 2339
Poule 11
1. BSG Commerzbank AG Team Bowling Frankfurt 1 4498
2. Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 2 3751
3. ASEG NB 2 3575
4. Gemeente Arnhem 3 2482
Poule 10
1. Bremer Strraßenbahn AG 1 3888
2. Corpo Namur - LIEGE 2 3594
3. SG Bayer Berlin 3 3474
4. BSG Allianz Köln Weiß-Blau e.V. 1 3011
Poule 9
1. Corpo Namur - LIEGE 1 4419
2. SG Bayer Berlin 2 3563
3. SFC Esslingen 1 3122
4. Airbus Sportgemeinschaft Stade 2 0
Poule 8
1. SG Bayer Berlin 1 3805
2. SC Filstal e.V. - Kreissparkasse Göppingen 1 3031
3. Gemeente Arnhem 4 2636
4. Airbus Sportgemeinschaft Stade 1 0
Poule 7
1. KBC Bowling Team (Belgium 1 4591
2. SG Stern Deutschland e.V. 1 3921
3. Energie SV Hamburg e.V. 2 3256
4. Posten Taastrup Bowling 1 3252
Poule 6
1. Ducky's party service bowling team 3 4135
2. Hansewerk Hamburg Bowling Team 1 3296
3. Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 3 2962
4. I.F. Bispebjerg Hospital 3 2554
Poule 5
1. Energie SV Hamburg e.V. 1 3026
2. I.F. Bispebjerg Hospital 2 2650
3. Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 2 2370
Poule 4
1. Ducky's party service bowling team 2 4670
2. Sport + Freizeitclub LBBW Bowling Mannheim 1 3654
3. Betriebssportverband Landkreis Peine e.V. 2 3085
4. I.F. Bispebjerg Hospital 1 2456
Poule 3
1. Atos 1 4125
2. Sportverein Sparkasse KölnBonn e.V. 2 3980
3. Hovedstadens Jernbane-Idræt 1 2938
4. Betriebssportverband Landkreis Peine e.V. 1 2639
Poule 2
1. Bowling MESA MIA 3935
2. Sportverein Sparkasse KölnBonn e.V. 1 3838
3. Aurubis AG 2 3533
4. Coop Idræt Albertslund 2 3110
Poule 1
1. Ducky's party service bowling team 1 5439
2. Aurubis AG 1 4196
3. Coop Idræt Albertslund 1 3617
4. Vier Bremer 1 3543