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Newsletter 1

July 2, 2021

Friday the 25th of June was the coordinators meeting for all the federations. During this meeting all new intel and details around the ECSG2022 were shared. The meeting was a great success! We held the meeting in a professional studio and were able to answer questions directly. A perfect start for a lot more to come!



Right after the coordinators meeting the registrations opened up. We immediately had some great response. Are you curious whether or not you want to join the ECSG2022? We have gathered all the information you need to know in Bulletin 2.


The registrations are open!


Bulletin 2

This bulletin is filled with everything you want to know. Where are the games held exactly? Which locations? Where can I lay my head to rest after a long day? Which sports are there and what are the disciplines? How do I get from my hotel to the sport field? It’s all in there! But beware: after this you want to participate for sure!


Registration tool

On our site you can find a manual on how to registrate via our tool. It’s very important to read Bulletin 2 and this manual before going to the registration tool to secure your spot at the ECSG2022. Go to our registration page and read all about it.


Whats next?

You are probably wondering what to expect in these newsletters. We plan to send out about 10 newsletters in the run-up to the company games. In these letters you will read the latest news and updates. You will also get some more information and previews about the beautiful surroundings, cities and venues that will be the decor of the European Company Sport Games 2022!